(Idaho State) The official Idaho Capitol Christmas Tree will be cut on November 25th from in front of the Len B. Jordan (LBJ) building at 650 W State Street in Boise. We are cutting the tree from the state property located directly behind the Capitol Building and moving it to the usual spot in front of the Capitol Building, where it will become the official 2024 State Christmas Tree.
State Street will be closed between 6th & 8th Streets from about 9-11am, and Jefferson Street in front of the Capitol Building will be closed from approximately 11am-1pm (these times may vary as the work progresses). Cutting begins at about 9:00 am, and it’s estimated that it will begin its short journey to the Statehouse sometime around 11:00 am. Early the following morning the Department of Administration’s Facility Services crew will begin stringing thousands of LED lights on the tree while also decorating the interior of the Capitol.
The relocation process is always a joint effort. The Department of Lands will cut and rig the tree for lifting, Apex Crane Service will load; and the Idaho Transportation Department will haul the tree to its destination at the Statehouse. Boise City Police will provide the escort.
Governor Brad Little and First Lady Teresa Little to Host Tree Lighting Ceremony
Idaho Governor Brad Little and First Lady Teresa Little are making plans for the Statehouse Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. The Governor’s Office will announce the details of the tree lighting ceremony at a later time.