Idaho State News

A Closer Look Into Idaho House of Representatives Candidate Jim Chmelik
May 20, 2021

I have been married to my wife Colleen for 36 years and we have 8 children and 13 grandchildren. We have lived on the Camas Prairie for 24 years and my wife was born and raised here.

We have managed a small timber operation, a hay operation and also a cabinet and millwork company since arriving here in 2000. Idaho is home and our family has deep roots on the Prairie.

I have served as and Idaho County Farm Bureau board member for 22 years and have attended twenty state conventions and participated in debates which shape Farm Bureau policy that is used to guide our lobbyist in informing our elected leaders and shaping the laws within our state.

I have been involved in Idaho politics for over 22 years. I have been a precinct committee person and also the secretary for the Idaho County Republican Central Committee. I have been elected and served as an Idaho County Commissioner from 2011-2017. In that time we limited county tax increases and employee raises to just 2% in a six year period. We put health care out for bid saving county taxpayers thousands of dollars and still maintained a quality health care program for employees. I personally spent hundreds of hours fighting for and protecting access to our natural resources within our community. For my troubles the Southern Poverty Law Center targeted me as one of the top ten elected officials in the west to be taken out. I consider that a badge of honor.

I have served for eight years on the board for St John Bosco Academy, six of those as chairman.

For the last eight years I have been teaching young adults in our church and preparing them for confirmation.

Between raising a family, running our businesses, and serving the community I have learned many things about balancing time, balancing budgets and developing relationships across our great state. It has been very rewarding and I would like to bring this experience to Boise as the next representative for District 7.


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