(Lewiston, ID) On January 28 at approximately 9 pm, David E. Boyd, 76, of Clarkston called 911 to report that he had allegedly shot and killed his 53-year-old neighbor Chad VanScotter.
According to official court documents, VanScotter had allegedly been playing very loud music throughout the night for months, ultimately keeping Boyd from sleeping. According to Boyd, VanScotter was allegedly doing this to intentionally “bully” him.
Boyd reportedly told police that he had grown tired of the situation, and went to the victim’s apartment, which shared a wall with his own, to confront him about the noise. Leading up to this confrontation, Boyd had reportedly called police multiple times to file a noise complaint, but was allegedly told that police could “do nothing”. Boyd allegedly knocked on VanScotter’s front door with a pistol in his hand. According to the court documents, VanScotter became agitated at Boyd’s presence and began hitting him repeatedly in the head with a large walking stick. Boyd reportedly told police that when Vanscotter refused to stop hitting him, he raised his weapon and reportedly shot him three times. Twice in his chest, and once in his face.
Boyd then returned to his apartment with the intent to end his own life, as he allegedly told police that he did not want to spend the rest of his short life in prison. Boyd also reportedly told police that he could not go through with it, and instead called 911 to turn himself in.
When brought in for questioning, Boyd confessed to the murder of VanScotter, and even reportedly told police that “bullies deserve this”.
Police were reportedly able to locate the murder weapon in Boyd’s apartment, as well as numerous handwritten notes allegedly alluding to his suicide.
Boyd was subsequently booked into the Asotin County Jail with the charge of Murder in the 1st Degree. His bond has not been set at this time.