OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has announced the closure of white sturgeon fishing and retention on Lake Roosevelt to take place one hour after sunset on Sept. 30, 2022. WDFW anticipates harvest and fishery impacts will have been achieved for the 2022 season.
The closure area consists of Grand Coulee Dam to China Bend boat ramp (including the Spokane River from Highway 25 Bridge upstream to 400’ below Little Falls Dam, Colville River upstream to Meyers Falls Dam, and the Kettle River upstream to the Barstow Bridge).
Fishery managers will evaluate the 2022 Lake Roosevelt white sturgeon catch and harvest prior to establishing rules for the 2023 season.
For more information contact: Chris Donley, WDFW Region 1 Fish Program Manager, 509-892 1001 ext. 307, or Bill Baker, WDFW District 1 Fisheries Biologist, 509-563-5499.