BOISE – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking comments on a series of plans that will guide how DEQ prioritizes and awards funding for water infrastructure investments.
The documents include the following:
- State Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan (IUP), which includes the priority lists for loans, emerging contaminants, and lead service line inventory projects.
- State Drinking Water Planning Grant Priority List.
- State Wastewater Planning Grant Priority List.
Once approved and finalized by the Idaho Board of Environmental Quality, these documents will govern the state’s funding decisions for state fiscal year 2025.
DEQ will award grants and loans from these lists in priority order to the highest ranked, “shovel-ready” projects. Awards will be made in full to projects that can utilize all of the available funding. An informational meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024, at 11 a.m. MST via Microsoft Teams. Visit DEQ’s Events Page to register for this meeting.
Funding determinations for the Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grants, which is a separate grant opportunity and not part of the public comment period, will be announced after July 1, 2024.
The priority lists and intended use plan are available for public review at DEQ’s State Office (1410 N. Hilton Street, Boise, Idaho 83706), DEQ’s Regional Offices, and on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities page. Hard copies are available at each regional office by request:
Written comments will be accepted through May 28, 2024, at 5 p.m. MST. Submit comments electronically on DEQ’s Public Comment Opportunities page or by mail or email to:
MaryAnna Peavey
1410 N. Hilton St.
Boise, ID 83706