Fish and Game Euthanizes Mountain Lion That had Killed a Family pet

The attack occurred within a 6-foot tall, fenced backyard.

(Ketchum, ID) On the morning of December 18, 2024, a Fish and Game conservation officer received a report of a pet cat that had been killed by a mountain lion in the backyard of a residence south of Ketchum. The attack occurred within a 6-foot tall, fenced backyard. The owner had just let the cat outside, and within minutes, the lion entered the yard and grabbed the cat.
The lion was tracked from the backyard to Highway 75 when the tracks could no longer be followed.
Because the lion entered a fenced backyard of a residence and killed a pet, the decision was made to set a trap at the residence to protect the safety of area residents and their pets.
The lion was trapped later that day and was euthanized by Fish and Game officers. The lion was a yearling female that weighed approximately 70 pounds.
“As with any decision that we are faced with to trap and put an animal down, our staff have to make the hard call to protect area residents and their pets” stated Craig White, Regional Supervisor of the Magic Valley Region, “we don’t take these decisions lightly, but ultimately our responsibility is to protect public safety. When a mountain lion exhibits aggression towards people or their pets within the confines of a fenced yard we need to take appropriate actions.”
Personal safety around mountain lions
Wildlife managers agree that if a person is in proximity to a lion they should:

  • NEVER run away from a mountain lion. The lion’s instinct is to chase and catch what they perceive as potential prey.
  • NEVER turn your back on a lion. Always face them while making yourself look as large as you can. Yell loudly, but don’t scream. A high-pitched scream may sound like a wounded animal.
  • SLOWLY back away while maintaining eye contact with the lion.
  • Safety equipment you may choose to carry could include bear spray, a noise device, like an air horn, and if you walk in the dark, a very bright flashlight.
  • If you are attacked, fight back!

Using a light to help you see is important, both in your yard, or as you walk in your neighborhood. Use caution when wearing headphones or ear buds which can take away your ability to hear if a lion is giving you signals that you’re too close.
Pet safety 
Mountain lions are opportunistic predators and will often attempt to take prey when it presents itself. A lion may perceive a pet as prey so pet owners are strongly encouraged to follow these safety tips:

  • Keep your pets on a leash.
  • Watch the pets’ behavior, since they may sense the lion before you can see them.
  • Do not feed your pet outside or leave their food dishes outside. Lions will not typically be attracted by pet food, but the food could attract cats or wildlife that could be considered prey by a lion.
  • Before letting your pet outside, turn on lights, make noise and look to ensure the yard is clear of wildlife. Do not assume that a privacy fence will keep a mountain lion out of your yard.
  • Accompany your pet outside if possible.

Homeowner safety
By nature, mountain lions are shy and will typically make every effort to avoid contact with humans. Homeowners can do several things to make it less likely that a mountain lion would pass through or live near their homes and neighborhoods. These include:

  • When leaving your house, be aware of your surroundings, by watching for signs of wildlife.
  • Do not feed wildlife! Elk and deer are the preferred prey for mountain lions. Feeding is unnecessary and can concentrate elk and deer which can attract predators.
  • Strongly encourage your neighbors to not feed elk and deer. To effectively keep predators out of neighborhoods everyone must do their part.
  • Do not leave garbage outside and unsecured. Garbage will not typically attract a mountain lion, but it might attract other animals that would be considered prey.
  • Ensure that a lion cannot crawl under your deck or into basement window wells which could be a perfect place for a daybed.
  • Install motion-sensor lights which may discourage wildlife from staying in your yard. Lights can be directed to minimize light impact on your neighbors.

Reporting mountain lion sightings and encounters
Residents and visitors should immediately call 911 to report any encounter that results in an attack. 
To report a sighting or encounter in town or subdivision call the Magic Valley Regional Office at (208) 324-4359 during business hours, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. 

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