Idaho Fish and Game releases, Aug. 30

2024 Deer & Elk Hunting Outlook

Everything deer and elk hunters need to know heading into the 2024 big game season. Statewide, deer and elk hunting in Idaho looks promising after a tough season in 2023.

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Heading out hunting? Here’s what you need to know about CWD rules

With general archery seasons for deer and elk running Aug. 30 through Sept. 30 in many units in the state, Idaho Fish and Game officials remind hunters about special chronic wasting disease rules to help test for and manage the disease.

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Important dates to help plan your September

From tags sales to season openers, there’s a lot happening in Idaho during September that you should be aware of. Staying in the loop can be the difference between applying for that coveted controlled hunt tag and watching from the sidelines.

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Statewide trout stocking highlights for September 2024

Many of Idaho’s lakes and ponds are soon going to be bolstered with Idaho Fish and Game stocking roughly 115,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout this September. We asked our Fish and Game hatchery staff to boil down some of the most notable stocking highlights coming to your local fishery this month.

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Hunting in warm weather requires extra care to prevent meat from spoiling

Some early season hunting opportunities have already begun in Idaho, with additional archery seasons and moose hunts starting in September. While early season hunts can provide an excellent opportunity to harvest a big game animal, warm weather brings additional challenges when it comes to properly caring for game meat to prevent it from spoiling, especially when dealing with larger animals like moose and elk.

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Hunters in Eastern Idaho should be ‘Bear Aware’ this fall

As fall hunting season approaches, Fish and Game is reminding hunters in the Upper Snake Region to be vigilant about bear safety while out in the field. With increased bear activity this year, it’s crucial to take necessary precautions to avoid encounters and ensure both your safety and the safety of Idaho’s wildlife.

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What do anglers want and think? Surveys give F&G some answers

The input is appreciated by staff, but hard to implement consistently because anglers often want different and sometimes contradicting things. And there’s the rub, how does staff charged with managing fisheries for the greater public good really learn what the public wants?

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Hunters encouraged to drop off bird wings and CWD samples during upcoming seasons

With archery season and many upland game bird seasons upon us, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game is once again asking hunters to provide wings and CWD samples from game they harvest. Here’s what you need to know.

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Outdoor Funding Council Seeks Candidate Projects to Enhance Recreation in Idaho

The Outdoor Recreation Fund Advisory Council (ORFAC) is accepting applications to build projects that expand recreational opportunities within Idaho. For 2024, the council has $5 million to spend on capital projects (trails, bridges, campgrounds, etc.) that create or enhance outdoors access.

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Fall Chinook salmon and coho salmon update 8/29/2024

In this update, I will try to answer the questions people have been asking most frequently including what the runs are looking like, what percent of the runs are being trapped at Lower Granite Dam for broodstock, and what fishing rules do you need to follow if you have both an Idaho and Washington fishing license and would like to fish the boundary waters and/or both states during the same day.

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Idaho’s Steelhead Update 8/28/2024

With Idaho’s fall steelhead season about to kick into full gear, I figured now would be a good time to put out a fall steelhead update. In this update, I will be discussing Idaho’s early and late steelhead returns and what you could expect during the upcoming harvest opener.

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Agencies team up to protect city watershed and sensitive wetlands near Salmon

To help protect the quality and quantity of water for the city of Salmon, employees from the Salmon-Challis National Forest, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and Student Conservation Association teamed-up August 1 to construct an additional 2,400 feet of wildlife-friendly fence in the municipal watershed.

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Wood River Valley black bears are back in town and finding residential garbage

Idaho Fish and Game continues to receive multiple reports of black bears visiting homes and neighborhoods throughout the Wood River Valley. Many of the reports are of black bears accessing residential garbage carts that have not been secured in a garage or locked storage area.

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