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Juliaetta Councilwoman’s Fate to be Decided at Sham Recall Vote Amidst City Scandal

Sandra Kinney
October 9, 2024

(Juliaetta, ID) A recall vote is scheduled for November 5, 2024, to recall current Juliaetta Councilwoman Judi Fuller. The cause for this recall, according to Mayor Groseclose, is Fuller’s behavior during city council meetings. Three videos showing separate city council meetings are included below showcasing the behaviors of each city council member and those in attendance.

Fuller has held her position as Councilwoman for 8 months, and has made a number of impactful changes to Juliaetta city policy. Fuller’s first notable change was to add the Pledge of Allegiance to the start of each city council meeting, which is common practice. 

Fuller’s second notable change to the city was opening town hall to the Juliaetta citizens Monday-Friday for regular business hours.  According to Fuller, the city was previously only open on certain days of the month for a few hours at a time.  This led many citizens to reach out to neighboring cities for notaries and other licensing needs.

The third change came when Fuller noticed that city council meetings were not being recorded. The City of Juliaetta’s website states that “Meetings need to be audio recorded and kept for six months”. According to Fuller, the city had not been doing this since the 1980’s.  As a result, Fuller motioned to require the recording of all meetings moving forward.  This motion was passed.

The fourth, and most notable change, came when Bonnie Whismore, the previous city Treasurer, came to Fuller  with an issue of city finances.

“Bonnie came to me and said, “Judi, I’ve been working for the city for five years, and I’m trying to find a council member who cares enough to know that the numbers don’t add up in the books.”” Said Fuller.

After speaking with Whismore directly, she provided us with the following statement. 

“I have known what is going on since 2019.  They blew me off and gave me excuse after excuse. When new members were brought in, I tried to get them on board, but they kept tabling the matter. It is totally unfair that they are trying to recall Judi for what I have said and posted. I am the one who sent the letter to the sheriff’s office, prosecuting attorney an the attorney general, and they are blaming Judi for these things. Last night at the October 8th city council meeting, they prohibited her from speaking on her recall. I back Judi 100%. She fought for me and she fought for this city, and that shows good character.” said Whismore. 

According to Fuller, there was something peculiar about the Juliaetta City water bill. The city had been collecting “donations” for the Juliaetta TV Association, an alleged non profit group.  After doing some additional research, Fuller realized that the non profit did not exist, and that the money was going into a private bank account that was not controlled by the city.

At a city council meeting held on June 11, 2024, the city attorney Todd Richardson brought up his concerns about this matter.

“I am very very concerned that the city is collecting money for a private organization.” said Richardson. In the video below, he goes on to say that it is the cities responsibility to ensure that that money is moved into a public account for use by the city. 


After deliberation, Fuller brought forth a motion to cease these donations, and this motion was passed by the city council. According to Fuller, this is the event that lead the Mayor and other council members to “retaliate” and call for her recall. 

Mayor Groseclose was seen going door to door collecting signatures from Juliaetta citizens to bring forth the recall vote. Fuller states that the mayor illegally acquired these signatures, and coerced citizens into signing the form by providing false information that was not included on the petitions mission statement. These signatures are public record, and are shown in a photo gallery below. These Photos were provided by Fuller herself.

Additionally, Fuller provided us with a number of private messages she received from concerned citizens who regretted signing the petition, and felt forced into doing so.  The gallery below also shows the messages Fuller received after numerous city council meetings regarding the behavior of those in positions of power. 

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In the video provided below, Mayor Groseclose can be seen losing his composure at last nights city council meeting. Groseclose points his finger at Fuller and tells her to “Shut her mouth” as another council member sits between them and asks him to “calm down”. The topic of discussion, and what lead to this reaction, was the Juliaetta TV fund, and where that money was going.

In another video provided below, the previous city Treasurer is seen explaining how she separates the donations from the city water bill, and cuts a check for the mayor to deposit.

We have reached out to Mayor Groseclose for his statement on this matter, and the matter of the recall vote, but he has not responded at this time. If he comes forth with a statement or additional information in the future, he will be equally represented.

In a closing statement to the citizens of Juliaetta, Fuller pleads her case regarding the upcoming vote. The following statement was approved by the Secretary of State Phil McGrane, and will be published on all voter ballots at the Nov. 5th recall vote.

“This year I took an oath to serve Juliaetta residents. As a new councilman I had a lot to learn. Instantaneously I began studying policies, procedures, ordinances and state statues in an effort to do my very best. While educating myself I was given information by one of the city’s staff regarding irregular procedures that affected how tax payer funds were being used. Out of concern I contacted the Secretary of State, AIC in Boise the city attorney and the county’s prosecuting attorney to get guidance on what steps I should take given the information I acquired. I asked the mayor in public meetings and in a letter for transparency regarding these questionable issues, but was refused information about why Juliaetta was acting outside of its own guidelines. I pressed for more transparency which unfortunately has let to my recall. I have always performed within the law and never misused my position as a councilman. My being a new voice in town who is incorruptible makes for an uncomfortable existence for the current mayor. I say with great concernment that the “Good ‘Ole Boy’s” still exist. Help me help you by voting that I remain on city council. Thank you.”


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