Lewiston Daily Logs for Saturday, September 10

22-L14107 Welfare Check 
Incident Address: Juniper Dr & Tamarack Dr 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 08:19:16 
Cad Comments:  
there is a female in her 80s, asked for a ride to lancer lanes in Clarkston 
22-L14108 Telephone Harassment 
Incident Address: 1300 IDAHO ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 08:28:01 
Cad Comments:  
Female has been calling and harassing comp 
22-L14109 Welfare Check 
Incident Address: 800 F ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 08:41:28 
Cad Comments:  
body wrapped up in a white blanket, comp stated there person was on the sidewalk and could not give any better description, comp is no longer on scene
22-L14110 Civil Standby 
Incident Address: 3100 4TH ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 09:21:18
Cad Comments:  
comp requesting an officer meet comp at 0950 at the residence, comp will be driving a jeep patriot, gry in color, comp is doing a custodial exchange 
22-L14111 Citizen Assist 
Incident Address: 1230 MAIN ST; COURTHOUSE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 10:05:06 
Cad Comments:  
Male is at the parade, he is not allowed around children, he is a teacher that is being convicted of crimes against children, he is on release.
22-L14113 Animal At Large 
Incident Address: 1100 CEDAR AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 11:04:30 
Cad Comments:  
dog from this address is in and out of yards in the neighborhood, dog is aggressive, smaller dog with long black hair, wearing a collar red in color 
22-L14116 Weapon Offense 
Incident Address: 3110 NORTH-SOUTH HWY; STINKER STATION Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 11:39:01 
Cad Comments:  
male on scene, “not right in the mind” ***carrying a large butcher knife*** hasn’t brandished it 
22-L14117 Animal in Custody 
Incident Address: 700 28TH ST N 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: ANI 
Time Reported: 11:59:56
Cad Comments:  
there is a dog, lab, black in color, no collar, been there for a while now,  12:26:52 09/10/2022 – Willey Doug  
intact male, blk/wht lab mix, no collar. Transported to the shelter 
22-L14118 Welfare Check 
Incident Address: 1400 HEMLOCK AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 12:04:02 
Cad Comments:  
Comp hasn’t heard from her sister, is unusual; history of stroke. 
22-L14119 Animal At Large 
Incident Address: 20th St & Powers Ave 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 12:21:48 
Cad Comments:  
tan and white border collie, last seen running east bound,  
22-L14121 Animal At Large 
Incident Address: 809 21ST ST; LEND NATION 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: ANI 
Time Reported: 13:58:11 
Cad Comments:  
there is a dog, medium, gry in color, loose in the area, collar teal with no tags 
14:39:33 09/10/2022 – Willey Doug  
intact male, gray, am staff with blue collar, no tags. posted pic on zues’//transported to the shelter 
22-L14124 Non Injury Collision 
Incident Address: 1 US HIGHWAY 12; INTERSTATE BRIDGE Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: CIT 
Time Reported: 15:43:15 
Cad Comments:  
on the idaho side, now parked behind art beat, gry chry 200 vs whit camry, non injury, not blocking 
22-L14125 Narcotic Activity 
Incident Address: 316 18TH ST; BIG SMOKE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 15:51:02 
Cad Comments:  
a customer found a glove and baggie, there is white powers inside, possibly drugs, contact comp inside the store 
22-L14126 Theft 
Incident Address: 1000 GRELLE AVE; LPD lobby 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 15:54:30 
Cad Comments:  
comp works from home, at about 0900 hours today comp heard a loud noise upstairs and comp found the back slider door open, comp did not see anyone in the area, this afternoon comp found the upstairs extra bedroom had been gone through and some silver bars and coins missing, pistol also missing 
22-L14127 Narcotic Activity 
Incident Address: 600 LINDEN AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 16:11:03 
Cad Comments:  
comps sister is homeless, she was arrested in Orofino for drug possession, she then showed up at comps house and has narcotics, she is no longer there but she left a backpack with narcotic items in it, would like an officer to pick it up
22-L14128 Unwanted Subject 
Incident Address: 600 PROSPECT AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 17:06:36 
Cad Comments:  
Brother is in the comps deceased fathers house and she wants him out 
22-L14129 Civil Standby 
Incident Address: 900 CEDAR DR 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 17:16:58 
Cad Comments:  
Vehicle at the address was borrowed and male is refusing to return it 
22-L14130 Reckless Driving 
Incident Address: 3RD AVE N & US HIGHWAY 12 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 17:22:32 
Cad Comments:  
coming into town, black suv, unable to maintain lane, almost hit another car, female driver,  
22-L14131 Narcotic Activity 
Incident Address: 700 25TH AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 18:44:48 
Cad Comments:  
there is a syringe that is on 8th st on the corner of 25th ave, up from the stop sign, comp will show officers where it is 
22-L14132 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 18:48:41 
Cad Comments:  
there has been a car sitting on the back side by the pond, up on the hill, red 4d car, comp is having a wedding, male and female in the car and they were asked by the country club to leave and they refuse, they are taking pictures of the wedding 
22-L14133 Vandalism 
Incident Address: 3500 11TH ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 18:54:36 
Cad Comments:  
just got home and found that his toyota 4 runner was hit 
while in the drive way; driver window is smashed out, and windsheild is damaged; 
22-L14134 Juvenile Problem 
Incident Address: 1500 CEDAR AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 19:02:07 
Cad Comments:  
had 5 young men;hs kids walking down the road picked up a rock and threw a rock at the window then they took off running; ls walking eb on cedar; kid that threw the rock was blonde hair and wearing blue cut offs 
22-L14135 Reckless Driving 
Incident Address: 20th St & Powers Ave 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 19:07:56 
Cad Comments:  
comp was driving down powers ave when a red suv was tailing comp and going upwards of 80 mph
22-L14136 Hit & Run Collision 
Incident Address: 17th St & Ripon Ave; west of 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 19:23:26 
Cad Comments:  
comp was following a blk Tacoma pick up with soft shell canopy in the back truck, took out a mailbox and flipped a u-turn and went westbound 
22-L14137 Suicidal Person 
Incident Address: 3400 11TH ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 19:33:31 
Cad Comments:  
comp say they are on the verge of killing themselves; comp is home alone; no weapons 
22-L14142 Found Property 
In cident Address: 111 MAIN ST; LEWIS CLARK PLAZA Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 20:48:41 
Cad Comments:  
comp found a water bottle on the ground with car keys attached
22-L14143 Intoxicated Person 
Incident Address: 1424 MAIN ST; lewiston community center Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 21:05:42 
Cad Comments:  
comp work at this location; there is a wedding going on right now; people are about to leave and they are highly intox
22-L14144 Juvenile Problem 
Incident Address: 1534 POWERS AVE; HERETH PARK 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 21:21:30 
Cad Comments:  
kids are hiding out and throwing stuff at cars; unk what they are throwing 
22-L14145 DUI Alcohol or Drugs 
Incident Address: 1900 21ST ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 21:51:40 
22-L14146 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 
Incident Address: 3500 8TH ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 22:05:03 
Cad Comments:  
Possible stolen vehicle 
22-L14148 Intoxicated Person 
Incident Address: 1920 NORTH-SOUTH HWY; DYNAMART #1 Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 22:06:13 
Cad Comments:  
comp is a worker and alone; male walked in very obviously high; has a rock and said the rock is a weapon 
22-L14149 Reckless Driving 
Incident Address: 13th St & Main St 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 22:32:49
Cad Comments:  
Vehicle was driving very slowly, swerving and had a paper plate in the window
22-L14150 Public Nuisance 
Incident Address: 30 US HIGHWAY 12; MEMORIAL BRIDGE Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 23:41:05 
Cad Comments:  
there is a male standing on the bridge urinating on vehicles
22-L14151 Animal Problem 
Incident Address: “lewiston area; meet at the shelter 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 23:57:47 
Cad Comments:  
comp found a dog in lewiston on the way back out of town; is a blk lab 3-4 months old blk/whi collar with blu leash 
22-L14152 Hit & Run Collision 
Incident Address: 311 MAIN ST; BOJACKS 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 23:58:15 
Cad Comments:  
veh parked right outside; 2012 ram 1500 black was hit while he ran inside for a min  
22-L14154 Agency Assistance 
Incident Address: 16th Ave & 21st St 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 00:32:22 
22-L14156 Theft
Incident Address: 1425 MAIN ST; NOMNOM 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 01:33:36 
Cad Comments:  
10 ago; male walked in heated a pretzel hotdog and walked out without paying
22-L14157 Theft 
Incident Address: 513 MAIN ST; DOMINOS 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 01:34:23 
Cad Comments:  
Took a purse out of the bar.
22-L14158 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 
Incident Address: 2320 NEZ PERCE GRADE; SPARKLIGHT Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 01:53:03 
Subjects were dumpster diving for used batteries. They were advised there on private property and the contents in the dumpster still belong to business owner. Stated they would leave. 
22-L14159 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 
Incident Address: 431 AIRWAY AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 02:15:35 
Cad Comments:  
veh parked in front of the house; veh is a blk suba forester; single occupant male driver 
22-L14161 Citizen Assist 
Incident Address: 516 MAIN ST; BOOMTOWN 
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 02:35:57 
Cad Comments:  
comp very intox; adv he is needing ems  
22-L14162 Agency Assistance 
Incident Address: 415 6TH ST; ST JOSEPHS HOSPITAL 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 04:02:50 
Cad Comments:  
in the ER; male not wanting to check in, just talking to staff, heavily intoxicated

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