Local News

Lewiston Police Logs for Saturday, November 5

22-L17126 Traffic Hazard 
Incident Address: 7th Ave & 8th St 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 07:21:05 
Cad Comments:  
tree in the roadway 
22-L17127 Code Enforcement 
Incident Address: 600 9TH ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 07:51:31 
Cad Comments:  
tree on this property poss needs to be taken down 
22-L17128 Traffic Hazard 
Incident Address: Burrell Ave & Thain Rd 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 08:07:33 
Cad Comments:  
there is a huge pothole in the road 
22-L17130 Traffic Hazard 
Incident Address: 504 MAIN ST; TOWNE SQUARE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 08:19:12 
Cad Comments:  
ground was lifted by a blown over tree; comp is trying to put cones down 
22-L17131 Traffic Light Malfunction 
Incident Address: 16th Ave & 21st St; SB left turn light 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 09:34:08 
Cad Comments:  
left turn light not functioning 
22-L17132 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 
Incident Address: 1330 POWERS AVE; CROSSPOINT ALLIANCE CHURCH Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 09:55:09 
Cad Comments:  
last night a pick up was towed into the parking lot; N79431; there is a few broken windows and glass everywhere; no one appears to be inside  
firearms in the veh 
22-L17133 Traffic Hazard 
Incident Address: 912 LINDEN AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 10:19:50 
Cad Comments:  
cable or phone line down, across the road 
all lines taken care of //roadway clear 
22-L17134 Reckless Driving 
Incident Address: 16th Ave & 21st St; SB 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 10:29:29 
Cad Comments:  
whi chry 200 AK plates, swerving, erratic speeds from 10mph-60 unk plate 
Area searched from 500 Thain to 16th Ave. 21st St., unable to locate vehicle
22-L17135 VIN Number Inspection 
Incident Address: 436 LINDEN DR 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 10:54:36 
Cad Comments:  
vin on camper
22-L17136 Telephone Harassment 
Incident Address: 2102 NEZ PERCE DR; WALGREENS by phone Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 11:07:25 
Cad Comments:  
has been harassing compt for a year, just followed comp out of the store, got verbal with comp and comp left 
comp wants to file rpt for harassment, the last year’s worth of harassment has been occurring in Clarkston, comp was adv to seek a CPO in WA
22-L17137 Traffic Hazard 
Incident Address: 12th St & Airway Ave 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 11:15:44 
Cad Comments:  
big roll of wire covered in a tarp has been pushed into the roadway near this intersection. Comp is not physically able to move it herself 
Removed wire from roadway 
 22-L17138 Animal At Large 
Incident Address: 800 8TH ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 11:20:29 
Cad Comments:  
lil whit dog running in the area, almost hit by a car- almost looks like a little fox 
homeowner arrived and put dog in house. believes roomate must have accidentally let dog out 
22-L17139 Reckless Driving 
Incident Address: 16th Ave & 21st St 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 11:21:54 
Cad Comments:  
blk lexus passing, speeding, weaving in & out of traffic, can’t get plate has WSU stickers – going nb down 21st
22-L17140 Citizen Assist 
Incident Address: 1510 9TH AVE; Phone Contact 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 11:32:33 
Cad Comments:  
messages sent that he was going to come & kill comp.  Comp was notified 3rd/4th party about it. comp doesn’t have any proof messages.  Comp has protection order w/ comp & it has been served 
Attempted calling comp multiple times. No answer left message for comp to call back . 
22-L17141 Reckless Driving 
Incident Address: 19th st & Birch ave 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 12:40:14 
Cad Comments:  
whi pick up erratic driver came into city from county, now parked in residence  
original caller stated driver was under the influence
22-L17142 Welfare Check
Incident Address: 332 THAIN RD; ROSAUERS 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 13:43:33 
Cad Comments:  
back of the parking lot towards hahn near blue recycling bin. says customer approached him & told him that there is a male & female dressed all in black arguing. The customer said it was a “domestic dispute”. didn’t saying about being physical. last seen about 4 ago, comp walked out & didn’t see or hear anything but they were out there 
Advised individuals to use the sidewalks and crosswalks and to not cause a disturbance. 
22-L17143 Fire-Vehicle-Grass 
Incident Address: 3527 15TH ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: ACT 
Time Reported: 14:04:43 
Cad Comments:  
car across the street, threatening structure  
22-L17144 Citizen Dispute 
Incident Address: 1846 G ST; URM CASH AND CARRY 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 14:10:24 
Cad Comments:  
male just threatened to attack comp, comp said male was about 2 feet away across from URM, male told him that he was headed to NPC jail, that he was going back to prison. caller disconnected. no answer on call back, vm left 
22-L17145 Animal Problem 
Incident Address: 1018 RIPON AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 14:41:00 
Cad Comments:  
horses in the pasture that are pretty thin, comp doesn’t see any food. Says the neighbors have fed them because they didn’t get fed for several days. There is water.  
22-L17146 VIN Number Inspection 
Incident Address: 505 CAPITAL ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 14:43:58 
Cad Comments:  
east parking lot of tribune. Vin on Trailer
22-L17147 Threats 
Incident Address: 244 THAIN RD; STRIKE AND SPARE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: ACT 
Time Reported: 15:46:11 
Cad Comments:  
comp is at the bowling alley, unk last keep calling and threatening to batter comp 
***comp armed with a bat*** 
22-L17148 Reckless Driving 
Incident Address: 2120 THAIN GRADE; SHOPKO Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: CAA 
Time Reported: 15:59:29 
Cad Comments:  
red mustang doing cookies in the parking lot, leaving SB
22-L17149 Suicidal Person 
Incident Address: 1826 8TH AVE BLVD 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 16:19:31 
Cad Comments:  
Friend texted comp “have a nice life” approx 10min ago, 
posted the picture with the gun yesterday at noon, texted
known to drink and smoke marij, comp thinks he is drunk now
22-L17150 Animal in Custody 
Incident Address: 3634 18TH ST; Meet at Shelter 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 17:03:00 
Cad Comments:  
comp contained stray dog, at the shelter waiting for officer
22-L17151 Citizen Assist 
Incident Address: 1224 F ST; LPD Lobby 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 17:09:57 
Cad Comments:  
comp has a concern about really bright headlights driving down the road, waiting in the lobby to speak to ofc 
22-L17152 Disabled Vehicle 
Incident Address: 21st St & Main St 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 17:48:09 
Cad Comments:  
blk nissan murano stalled in NB lane 
22-L17153 Citizen Dispute 
Incident Address: 332 THAIN RD; ROSAUERS deli area 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: CAA 
Time Reported: 17:54:38 
Cad Comments:  
fem on 911 saying Tyler Carlson took her glasses 
Tyler wearing blk sweatshirt w/ bears on it and gry/blk sweats 
22-L17154 Hit & Run Collision 
Incident Address: 1307 21ST ST; PIZZA HUT by phone 
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 18:13:13 
Cad Comments:  
occ approx an hour ago, comps 16yo daughter was at pizza hut and her veh got sideswiped in the plot of Pizza Hut 
comp got suspect info from Pizza Hut, susp is Geo w/ ph 509-780-9581 daughter’s veh silv 2000 CRV, was damaged all down driver side, unk susp veh info 
22-L17155 Theft 
Incident Address: 332 THAIN RD; ROSAUERS 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: CAA 
Time Reported: 18:29:49 
Cad Comments:  
22-L17156 Utility Problem 
Incident Address: 1204 12TH AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 18:35:31 
Cad Comments:  
line down in comps driveway, unk what type of line, comp won’t be remaining on scene 
22-L17157 Citizen Dispute 
Incident Address: 1300 ALDER AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 18:45:21 
Cad Comments:  
Female battering comp and other family members, no weapons, no medics needed, no intox 
22-L17159 Domestic 
Incident Address: 500 AIRWAY AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 18:51:11 
Cad Comments:  
Comp was on the phone with her mom and her “supposed husband” tried to push her. 
22-L17162 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 
Incident Address: 1600 25TH AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 21:22:38 
Cad Comments:  
had some kids showed up to the house to “trick or treat”; they are going door to door now in the neighborhood; there is 3 of them aprox 17 or older  
22-L17163 Domestic 
Incident Address: 2100 RIPON AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 21:50:05 
Cad Comments:  
Domestic in the area but not at this residence. Possibly at 21st Street & Alder Ave. 
22-L17164 Domestic 
Incident Address: 3535 15TH ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 22:01:24
Cad Comments:  
the comps ex fiancé, will not leave and they are verbally 
arguing. It is physical and verbal. 
22-L17165 Traffic Hazard 
Incident Address: BRYDEN CANYON RD ONRAMP W & 8TH ST Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 22:46:46 
Cad Comments:  
near the on ramp; deer that was hit limping in and around traffic; was trying to go up the hill 
22-L17166 Unconscious Person 
Incident Address: 600 BRYDEN AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 23:12:14 
Cad Comments:  
female outside; has blue lips sitting in a cab; she not with it  
22-L17167 Juvenile Problem 
Incident Address: 1800 2ND ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 23:19:59 
Cad Comments:  
Kids walking around the property.  
22-L17168 Welfare Check 
Incident Address: 500 MAIN ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 23:57:07 
Cad Comments:  
by the old locker room on the steps; female laying on the steps and a male is
laying on her; she doesnt appear coherent; comp drove by multiple times; were poss at boomtown previously 
22-L17170 Loud Party 
Incident Address: 2700 17TH ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 00:19:45 
Cad Comments:  
Loud party going on and is vibrating the pics on the comps walls.  
22-L17171 Message Delivery 
Incident Address: 600 BRYDEN AVE 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 00:24:48 
Cad Comments:  
Contact male and have him call St Joes
22-L17172 Citizen Dispute 
Incident Address: 90301 2ND ST; SPORTS CELLAR 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 00:30:30 
Cad Comments:  
4-5 people fighting.  
22-L17173 Unwanted Subject 
Incident Address: 3120 NORTH-SOUTH HWY; SUPER 8 Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 00:48:05 
Cad Comments:  
Female is there and is refusing to leave the property. She is currently in the parking lot walking to the front door.
22-L17174 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 
Incident Address: 1200 12TH ST 
Lewiston ID 83501 
Disposition: INA 
Time Reported: 01:41:47 
Cad Comments:  
There is an Avista truck parked in the alley. There are two guys walking around the comps house with flashlights. She would like an officer to confirm that the guys walking around are from Avista. 

Clarkston News

(Clarkston, WA) Police say a man was allegedly shot and killed by his neighbor in Clarkston on Tuesday night. According to the Clarkston Police...

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