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Idaho State News

Lewiston Residents Rally with Idaho Libraries Against House Bill 710

Sandra Kinney
July 2, 2024

(Lewiston, ID)  Numerous groups gathered around the Lewiston Library yesterday, July 1, at 9 am to protest House Bill 710 which went into effect on Monday. The bill requires libraries to limit access to materials it defines as harmful to children or face penalties.


HB 710 establishes a statewide policy for reviewing library material that could be considered “harmful,” including sexual content, nudity and homosexuality. If a patron challenges a book under those terms, library officials have 60 days to remove or relocate it, after which the patron can file a lawsuit. If a court considers the material “harmful” to minors, the library would face a $250 statutory fine along with potential civil damages.

“We want to support out libraries because today is a very hard day for libraries in Idaho.” Said Helen Hawley with Fight for the First.




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