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Moscow Tree Commission Celebrates Arbor Day 2023

Moscow, ID- The Moscow Tree Commission will celebrate Arbor Day at the Moscow Public Library on Friday, April 28, 2023, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. The celebration will include the planting of two Persian ironwood trees in the library tree lawn, as well as a reading “We Speak for Trees,” based on Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, by children from the library’s Outreach Story time program. Please join us in celebrating Arbor Day in Moscow!

The Moscow Public Library is located at 110 South Jefferson Street, and the Arbor Day celebration will be on the north side of the library. This event is free, kid friendly, and open to the public. Moreover, free black cherry, incense cedar, and big tooth maple seedlings will be available to the public. View the full event program here.

Arbor Day is recognized throughout the nation and the world. The City of Moscow and Moscow Tree Commission are committed to a community forestry program that supports a safe, healthy, and attractive urban forest. Trees are renewable resources that yield fruit and nuts for food and profit, wood for construction, fuel for warmth, paper products, and a wide variety of other goods and materials.

When properly selected, planted in the right places, and tended appropriately, trees increase property values, add beauty, enhance economic vitality of business districts, cut heating and cooling costs, and provide buffers from traffic.

Trees intercept storm water, reduce runoff and erosion, clean air and water, produce oxygen, slow climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, provide habitat for wildlife, and moderate air temperature.

A healthy urban forest can bring a sense of vibrancy or respite, adventure or calm, escape or contentment, and connection to wild nature, amidst asphalt and concrete.




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