October 9, 2023 (Moscow, Idaho) — The Moscow Farmers Market wraps up its 2023 season with its final month of operation. For the most up to date information, visit https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/197/Farmers-Market. This month’s highlights include:
Sat., Oct. 14, Market relocates to Jackson Street parking lot – Market continues its normal operating hours from 8 am to 1 pm in the three most northern bays of the Jackson Street parking lot to accommodate the University of Idaho Homecoming Parade on Main Street. A fourth bay of the parking lot will be signed for temporary ADA parking for shoppers and visitors with mobility issues. Backyard Harvest will be on-site for SNAP/EBT recipients, and the iconic Market wagons will be available for customers to use.
Sat., Oct. 21, Inland Harmony Chorus performs in Friendship Square – Inland Harmony Chorus will be the final scheduled performance for the 2023 season. The choral group performs from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. To see the complete line-up of featured performers from this season, visit https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/212/Market-Entertainment.
Sat., Oct. 28, Market hosts annual Costume Contest, apple tasting – The final Market of the 2023 season features a Halloween Costume Contest with six competition categories for various ages. Contestants are required to sign a photo release and waiver; adults must be present to complete this on behalf of minors. Contestants need not be present to win. Winners will be contacted and invited to receive their trophy and prize from staff and Commission members at the Monday, November 6 City Council meeting at 7 pm. For details on the Costume Contest, visit the Market’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/1106439156988024.
In recognition of October as National Apple Month, the Market is collaborating with the University of Idaho College of Agricultural & Life Sciences and Sandpoint Organic Agriculture Center for a public apple tasting. Visitors will have an opportunity to taste organic, heirloom apples and learn about the different varietals, their histories, and uses.
The Market is an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant venue and event. Only ADA Service Dogs are allowed on Main Street and Fifth Street with their handlers. All other animals (pets, emotional support, and comfort/therapy) are welcome on the sidewalks during Market.
The Market is an authorized venue for several food access programs including Shop The Market for SNAP/EBT recipients and Washington State WIC and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Programs. For more information on using these programs, visit https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/613/SNAP-WIC-More.
This is a nicotine-free event. No vaping, tobacco chewing, or traditional smoking is permitted.
For more information: