(Lewiston, ID) The City of Lewiston has hopes to begin a project that involves adding three roundabouts to Downtown Lewiston. This project was proposed to upgrade downtown’s streets in order to make them more event and pedestrian friendly moving forward. After speaking with Linnea Noreen, The CEO/President of the LC Valley Chamber of Commerce, and reviewing the plans presented at a recent Lewiston City Council meeting, we know that two of the roundabouts would be placed directly east of the Interstate Bridge, otherwise known as the Blue Bridge. The third roundabout would then be placed at the intersection of First and D Street.
Following their proposed plans for three additional roundabouts, the City of Lewiston also wishes to turn Main and D Streets into two way roads. The end goal of these projects is again to create a safer and more efficient system for pedestrians and drivers alike as they traverse downtown Lewiston. All plans proposed at this moment must be presented to the Idaho Transportation Department and voted on by the Lewiston City Council before a final design is completed.
The city has also proposed adding an additional plaza that would be comparable to Brackenbury Square. These plazas would be built on Third Street between Morgans’ Alley and the Lewis Clark Hotel. The city asks members of the community to give their comments at reimaginedtlewiston.org and at the next meeting to be held at 5:15 pm at the Lewiston City Library.