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Vote for the Moscow Farmers Market in the 2024 America’s Farmers Market Celebration

Release from the City of Moscow

MOSCOW – Starting Saturday, June 1 – July 31, American Farmland Trust launches its 16th Annual America’s Farmers Market Celebration. Since 2008, Farmers Markets nationwide have participated in this friendly competition to be ranked as one of the top farmers markets nationwide. For several seasons the Moscow Farmers Market has proudly been placed in the top 25 rankings, with last year being 12th in the nation, 2nd in Idaho, and Pacific. Help the Moscow Farmers Market reach the top by casting your vote at Only one vote per person will be allowed as stated in this year’s rules and regulations.

American Farmland Trust will be giving out $15,000 in total cash awards to the top five markets in America–$5,000 for first, $2,500 for second, $1,500 for third, $750 for fourth, $250 for fifth, and $100 to first in each state.

American Farmland Trust has run the Celebration for 16 consecutive years, elevating the increasingly essential role farmers markets play in providing communities with access to fresh, locally grown food and connecting farmers directly with their customers.

For more information find the Moscow Farmers Market on Facebook and Instagram, @MoscowFarmersMarket.


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February 4, 2025