What Happened on this Day in History? February 18

What happened on this day in history?

February 18

1878 – Murder ignites Lincoln County War

1929 – First Academy Awards announced

1930 – Pluto discovered

1943 – Nazis arrest White Rose resistance leaders

1959 – Ray Charles records “What’d I Say” at Atlantic Records

2001 – Dale Earnhardt Sr. killed in crash

2003 – Arsonist sets fire in South Korean subway

2006 – Shani Davis becomes first Black athlete to win individual gold medal at Winter Games

2010 – WikiLeaks publishes the first documents leaked by Chelsea Manning

2011 – Green River serial killer pleads guilty to 49th murder

1885 – 2011 This Day in History Video: What Happened on February 18

To learn more about these events visit: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history

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