(Colfax, WA) The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) is inviting farmers and industry partners in Whitman County to share their thoughts on new pesticide label rules. A workshop will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 18, from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at the McGregor Training Center, 401 Airport Rd., Colfax, WA.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is rolling out a new process to help protect endangered species. Under the new system, some pesticide labels will include a “mitigation menu.” That means farmers may need to use specific conservation practices to get “points” before using the pesticide. Some ways to earn points include changing application methods, timing or locations.
“We want to make sure the EPA’s new requirements are workable for farmers,” said Margaret Drennan, WSDA workshop coordinator. “This workshop is a chance for farmers to provide feedback on the new rules and suggest practical ways to meet them.”
The first new herbicide registration to go through this process is glufosinate-P, a newly approved product. From now on, all new pesticide registrations and regular reviews might have these requirements. WSDA’s goal is to ensure these practices make sense for Washington farmers.
To attend, register for the workshop before February 11. Those that can’t attend can still share information by taking WSDA’s survey. For more information, contact Margaret Drennan at (360) 280-6849. Questions about registration? Call Alicia Leacox at (509) 553-1845.