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Local News

2024 Craft & Food Jury Registration open to Prospective Vendors

January 10, 2024 (Moscow, Idaho) — The City of Moscow along with the Moscow Farmers Market Commission are excited to announce registration is now open for the 2024 Craft & Food Juries. Individuals who are interested in selling crafts or prepared food at Market are encouraged to apply. All individuals who participate and receive a passing score will be eligible to attend the upcoming Farmers Market season.

The following jury dates will be open until all spaces have been filled or up to the week before the day of jury.

Jury dates and deadlines are:

  • March 1– deadline to register is February 23.
  • March 8 – deadline to register is March 1.
  • March 18 – deadline to register is March 11.

To register please submit all materials online at Submittable accounts are free and allow participants to view many of the arts and culture opportunities the City has to offer. Please note, physical or email submissions will not be accepted.

To register for a Jury, participants must be the maker and/or producer of the products they want to sell at Market. Their business operations must take place within a 200 air-mile radius of Moscow. On the day of the jury each registered Prospective Vendor will be allotted a table with a 6 foot space to set up as if it were a Market Day. Judges made up of Farmers Market Commission members will be judging each booth and products based on quality, material sourcing, and relevance to the region.

For additional details about becoming a vendor with the Moscow Farmers Market, visit


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