22-L16181 Tobacco Problem
Incident Address: 3200 CECIL ANDRUS WAY
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: CIT
Time Reported: 08:08:24
Cad Comments:
22-L16182 VIN Number Inspection
Incident Address: 1200 F ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 08:07:06
Cad Comments:
22-L16183 Welfare Check
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 08:12:04
Cad Comments:
male standing on the pillar of the blue bridge, on the Lewiston side of the bridge, to the right
22-L16185 Found Property
Incident Address: 300 E 22ND ST N
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 08:39:25
Cad Comments:
found pants & purse in the bathroom, the purse has a crystally substance in it. Comp looked on video & saw a female walk into the bathroom wearing the pants & came out later in blue jeans
22-L16186 Citizen Dispute
Incident Address: 900 PRESTON AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 09:08:02
Cad Comments:
**lobby report** comps ex threw her out of the house and would not let her get her property, including her phone // comp went there a few mins ago and asked to get the phone and he said no and threw a can of beer at her
22-L16189 Burglary
Incident Address: 900 D ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 09:42:57
Cad Comments:
company veh was broken into yesterday approx 604am // tools, pumps, etc were taken from veh
22-L16192 Runaway Juvenile
Incident Address: 3600 12TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 10:12:05
Cad Comments:
22-L16193 Traffic Hazard
Incident Address: BRYDEN CANYON RD
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 10:40:39
Cad Comments:
downhill on bryden between the top and the 8th st exit, something, possibly a large tire, in the middle of road
22-L16194 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 600 LINDEN AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 11:04:07
Cad Comments:
black car with unk texas plates was parked in comps spot, when comp confronted them they yelled at her and left at a high rate of speed // headed west in the parking lot
22-L16195 Unwanted Subject
Incident Address: 600 BURRELL AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 11:07:36
Cad Comments:
comp allowed her mom over to shower, mom is now screaming at her now & she wants her to leave
22-L16197 Welfare Check
Incident Address: 1700 IDAHO ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:11:46
Cad Comments:
Subject came into the lobby and said that she would like an officer to meet her at her storage shed because her mother stole her medications and that she is manic. She is going to the storage shed to see if she has some meds stored there. Note-comp was screaming in the lobby
22-L16198 Welfare Check
Incident Address: 2100 3RD AVE N
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:14:56
Cad Comments:
comp states that there is an elderly gentleman that is in one of the rooms and had fallen this morning. They helped him off the floor, no injury and is mentally there but they are concerned about his mobility.
22-L16199 Reckless Driving
Incident Address: 11th Ave & 17th St
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:42:25
Cad Comments:
whi suv almost caused 2 different collisions, swerving between lanes
22-L16200 Juvenile Problem
Incident Address: 600 STEWART AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:47:50
Cad Comments:
comps 9 yr old child is out of control, hitting comp, throwing things, slamming things, kicking and pushing
22-L16201 Collision
Incident Address: 5th St & Preston Ave
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:55:36
Cad Comments:
unkn injury Collison
22-L16202 VIN Number Inspection
Incident Address: 3200 6TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 13:06:24
Cad Comments:
22-L16204 Unwanted Subject
Incident Address: 1000 MAIN ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 14:40:50
Cad Comments:
guest filed a dispute w/ cc – basically has been there for over 30days, comp hasn’t paid for the room, comp asked him to leave. Wants officer standby, no known weapons, difficult to deal with
22-L16207 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: Thain Grade & Nez Perce Grade
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: CIT
Time Reported: 15:33:01
Cad Comments:
3 cars involved, no injuries, blocking the road
22-L16208 Abandoned Vehicle
Incident Address: 1500 IDAHO ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 15:52:56
Cad Comments:
22-L16209 Civil Dispute
Incident Address: 1700 8TH AVE BLVD
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 15:52:28
Cad Comments:
comp trying to move items from her house and the locks were changed by another tenant
22-L16210 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 1200 16TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: CIT
Time Reported: 15:54:02
Cad Comments:
2 veh, no injuries
22-L16211 Abandoned Vehicle
Incident Address: 800 SNAKE RIVER AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 15:56:21
Cad Comments:
abandoned in the parking lot
22-L16212 LAlarm
Incident Address: 3400 12TH ST C
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: FAL
Time Reported: 16:17:47
Cad Comments:
residential burg alarm
22-L16213 View Obstruction
Incident Address: 11th Ave & 14th St
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:51:13
Cad Comments:
on 11th Ave, so many cars parked that when comp is trying to pull out of 14th st // comp said its very very dangerous- obviously since there was just an accident there
22-L16214 Animal Problem
Incident Address: 1100 RIPON AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:57:44
Cad Comments:
dog got into pasture & ripped ear off lamb sometime today
22-L16215 Animal in Custody
Incident Address: 1700 5TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 17:02:11
Cad Comments:
dog just showed up & is in comp’s apartment, not able to transport it
22-L16216 Civil Dispute
Incident Address: 1700 8TH AVE BLVD
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 17:09:21
Cad Comments:
moving out of apartment, ex had a spare key and changed the door knob/ key to get into the apartment while comp was taking load to her veh. Comp can’t get back into the apartment. Contacted property manager & was told to call local police
22-L16217 Animal in Custody
Incident Address: 2000 BIRCH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 17:10:40
Cad Comments:
blk with some white and brn feet. hound dog mix poss not tags
22-L16218 Hit & Run Collision
Incident Address: 400 MAIN ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 17:17:06
Cad Comments:
comp’s car was hit & no one left any information
22-L16220 Illegal Dumping
Incident Address: 1800 19TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 17:42:20
Cad Comments:
male dumping stuff into the mall’s garbage bin-
22-L16222 DUI Alcohol or Drugs
Incident Address: 2500 8TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 18:44:30
Cad Comments:
gry Toyota came off of bryden canyon rd, didn’t stop at stop sign, can’t maintain speed & almost caused several wrecks
22-L16223 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 300 MAIN ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 19:33:30
Cad Comments:
comp was outside and there was a group of people were yelling at comp trying to figure out what room comp was in
22-L16224 Reckless Driving
Incident Address: 1500 RIPON AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 19:57:27
Cad Comments:
there is somebody in a little gry 2-dr car on ripon ave between barr rd and 14th st, they peeled tires and are racing around – comp said this is an ongoing problem
22-L16225 Runaway Juvenile
Incident Address: 300 13TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 20:12:01
Cad Comments:
15 yo son ran away
22-L16226 Welfare Check
Incident Address: 600 BURRELL AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 20:24:02
Cad Comments:
comp is unable to get in touch with his brother – comp is requesting a welfare check
22-L16227 Domestic Battery
Incident Address: 2100 13TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 20:56:46
Cad Comments:
comp was battered approx 20 minutes ago – comp said it was comp’s best friend who did it
22-L16228 Medical Emergency
Incident Address: 3400 15TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 21:51:05
Cad Comments:
subscriber has an emergency pendant and stayed on the line – they did not respond back to alarm company – they are not answering – the pendant is for law, fire, and EMS, unk what the emergency is
22-L16229 Prowler
Incident Address: 1800 IDAHO ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 22:39:31
Cad Comments:
someone going through the trash and comp was alerted
22-L16230 Citizen Assist
Incident Address: 2200 THAIN GRADE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 23:18:00
Cad Comments:
comp is in an electric wheelchair trying to cross the street at thain rd – comp has pressed the pedestrian crosswalk button 5-10 times and it is not cycling through – comp is standing by at the intersection
22-L16231 Noise Disturbance
Incident Address: 700 WARNER AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 23:22:46
Cad Comments:
neighbors are riding 4-wheelers, banging on things, causing a noise disturbance
22-L16233 Trace
Incident Address: 1200 BURRELL AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 02:05:04
Cad Comments:
911 hangup – sounded like possibly a physical dispute
22-L16234 Trace
Incident Address: 500 THAIN RD
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 05:28:51
Cad Comments:
open 911 – sounds like somebody sleeping/snoring
22-L16235 Parking Problem
Incident Address: 1400 18TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 05:49:23
Cad Comments:
somebody sleeping in their car blocking the alley behind comp’s house