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22-L18294 Welfare Check
Incident Address: 1400 MAIN ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 07:09:57
Cad Comments:
gry nissan pickup – female sleeping or passed out, veh is running comp asked her to move about 30 ago
22-L18295 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 16th St & Ripon Ave
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 07:17:57
Cad Comments:
comp hit stop sign
22-L18297 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 14th St & Warner Ave
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 07:50:27
Cad Comments:
red car off the road, streets
22-L18298 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 3300 10TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 07:55:59
Cad Comments:
veh crashed into building, no injuries, veh is stuck in the building
22-L18299 Found Property
Incident Address: 1900 NORTH-SOUTH HWY
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 08:50:19
Cad Comments:
box left by someone, about a week ago. There is paperwork and meds in the box.
22-L18300 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 100 THAIN RD
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 08:48:20
Cad Comments:
veh stalled in the entrance, hit the curb & now tire is up against the fender, blocking the entrance.
22-L18302 Parking Problem
Incident Address: 2100 2ND AVE N
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: UNF
Time Reported: 08:53:58
Cad Comments:
female in a red pickup with a trailer is parked out front. Stays there most of the day. Has been told to leave, but continues to come back.
22-L18303 Animal in Custody
Incident Address: 800 PARK DR
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: ANI
Time Reported: 09:00:46
Cad Comments:
cat in a trap, would like ACO to transport it
22-L18304 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 3200 CECIL ANDRUS WAY
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 09:38:31
Cad Comments:
22-L18305 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: D ST; parking lot
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 09:47:59
Cad Comments:
male in the parking lot, pulled up closer to comp and her vehicle. This is the third time something like this has happened with this male. Red Toyota pick-up with canopy. Plate is unreadable. Male is staring at her.
22-L18306 Parking Problem
Incident Address: 300 STEWART AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 10:22:21
Cad Comments:
comp states that there is a truck that is in the roadway and it is blocking her driveway. Truck has been there since this morning
22-L18307 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 1200 16TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 10:51:55
Cad Comments:
22-L18308 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 21st St & Main St
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 11:09:20
Cad Comments:
no injuries, 2 vehicles
22-L18309 Domestic
Incident Address: 1500 G ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 11:10:54
Cad Comments:
comp states that she was in a domestic violence situation on Sunday, she states that her spouse randomly just gets out of hand
22-L18310 Parking Problem
Incident Address: 2500 14TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 11:27:06
Cad Comments:
comp states that a car has been parked there since yesterday when all the snow came down, had the emergency lights on but they have now gone out. the car is partially blocking his driveway and making it hard for other motorists
22-L18311 VIN Number Inspection
Incident Address: 1400 AIRWAY AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:44:46
Cad Comments:
22-L18312 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 1000 BRYDEN AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 12:50:42
Cad Comments:
comp was rear-ended
22-L18314 Theft
Incident Address: 800 16TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 13:14:24
Cad Comments:
phone contact comps driver’s license was stolen
22-L18319 Missing Person
Incident Address: 3000 NORTH-SOUTH HWY
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 14:17:21
Cad Comments:
reporting granddaughter missing
22-L18320 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 400 D ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 14:20:56
Cad Comments:
phone contact 5 phone calls made – claiming that there were suspicious activity
22-L18322 Animal Noise
Incident Address: Thain Rd & Cedar Ave
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 14:34:21
Cad Comments:
Ongoing problems with dogs barking
22-L18324 Traffic Violation
Incident Address: 1200 BURRELL AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 14:53:15
Cad Comments:
2 vehs doing cookies in the grassy area where the campers park
22-L18325 Agency Assistance
Incident Address: “Lewiston Area
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 15:49:47
Cad Comments:
Missing Juvenile – need officers to go to talk to contacts in Lewiston.
22-L18326 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 8th Ave & 21st St
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:07:51
Cad Comments:
22-L18327 Citizen Assist
Incident Address: 1400 MAIN ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:18:25
Cad Comments:
public assist
22-L18328 Unwanted Subject
Incident Address: 500 BEACHEY ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:31:37
Cad Comments:
homeless person in the parking lot- they are locking the doors, thinks he has been trespassed
22-L18329 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: BRYDEN CANYON ONRAMP 1 E
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 16:54:52
Cad Comments:
22-L18330 Narcotic Activity
Incident Address: 400 PRESTON AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 17:09:01
Cad Comments:
adv roommate is smoking weed
22-L18331 DUI Alcohol or Drugs
Incident Address: 1300 GRELLE AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 17:17:21
Cad Comments:
woman gassing her car appear intox – blk niss armada
22-L18332 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: Thain Grade & Nez Perce Grade
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 17:40:22
Cad Comments:
mule deer ran into comp’s veh-wiped out the whole side- happened in the intersection Nez Perce Grade & Thain Rd, deer was last seen going up the grade,
22-L18333 Domestic Battery
Incident Address: 400 PRESTON AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 18:24:07
Cad Comments:
Roommate just shoved comp- doesn’t need medics.
22-L18334 Traffic Hazard
Incident Address: 2000 17TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 19:58:48
Cad Comments:
male looks high on drugs is shouting at and running out in front of cars
22-L18335 Telephone Harassment
Incident Address: 400 PRESTON AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 20:25:07
Cad Comments:
has a neighbor a few houses down that keeps complaining about their dog whining, saying that she is too old and water is frozen – seems like he’s trying to get her – she has a heated bed and heated water bowl – he’s called the police once and has come to the house twice compl feels that he is now harassing them and wants a report on record
22-L18337 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 3300 8TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 21:20:02
Cad Comments:
Susp male in a hoodie drinking something and is yelling and “carrying on”. He is pacing in front of the comps house.
22-L18338 Suicidal Person
Incident Address: 2500 8TH AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 21:40:44
Cad Comments:
14 year old daughter is threatening suicide. She had scissors but they took them away. She is threatening to kill herself with some knives.
22-L18340 Suicidal Person
Incident Address: 400 6TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 22:22:21
Cad Comments:
Daughter 26 YOF, was waiting to go to the ER for eval for detox and MH issues. It took too long and she ran out. Now she is sitting outside the ER and is suicidal. She did not list means she almost drank herself. She is extremely intoxicated.
22-L18341 Animal in Custody
Incident Address: 1000 21ST ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 22:51:35
Cad Comments:
Has a cat in custody.
22-L18342 Disabled Vehicle
Incident Address: 5TH ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 23:34:12
Cad Comments:
veh in middle of road
22-L18343 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 500 BRYDEN AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 00:19:26
Cad Comments:
Male came in a while ago and was in the bathroom for a while. The employee went in and he said he was fine. 20 minutes later the comp went back in and he was still in there. The employee gave him a free coffee as he looked homeless. Then he went outside and he was complaining about the coffee. He was told he could go back in and get another one. Then he started threatening the comp with his life. He seemed aggressive and was “barking and
growling” but he said he was going to come back and kill. He left EB on Bryden in a gray coat.
22-L18344 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 1100 MAIN ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 01:40:29
Cad Comments:
Male behind the business yelling and screaming. Unk what his problem is.
22-L18345 Noise Disturbance
Incident Address: 500 MILLER ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 03:52:22
Cad Comments:
male outside screaming and yelling, waking people up, banging on doors, yelling
22-L18346 Illegal Burning
Incident Address: 1900 3RD AVE N
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 05:33:27
Cad Comments:
have a fire going behind western floors, homeless subjects, contained fire, lady ranting and
22-L18347 Traffic Violation
Incident Address: 100 THAIN RD
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 06:18:28
Cad Comments:
22-L18348 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: 300 1ST AVE
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 06:27:11
Cad Comments:
male going around yelling, banging on doors, walking towards pioneer park, blu jeans, gry hoodie. goatee, brn hair
22-L18349 Non Injury Collision
Incident Address: 3000 E MAIN ST
Lewiston ID 83501
Disposition: INA
Time Reported: 06:29:56
Cad Comments:
garbage truck hit comp