LC Valley
Today: Sun and a few passing clouds. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. A few clouds overnight. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. 77/54
Friday: Partly cloudy skies. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Clear to partly cloudy overnight. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. 82/56
Saturday: Mostly sunny skies. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Partly cloudy skies overnight. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. 86/60
Today: Mostly sunny skies. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. A few clouds from time to time in the evening. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. 70/47
Friday: Partly cloudy skies. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Mostly clear skies overnight. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. 74/50
Saturday: Sunshine and some clouds. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. A few clouds overnight. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. 79/54
Today: Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Partly cloudy skies during the evening will give way to cloudy skies overnight. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. 65/49
Friday: Sunshine and clouds mixed. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Partly cloudy overnight. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. 69/50
Saturday: Generally sunny despite a few afternoon clouds. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. A few clouds overnight. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. 74/51