Video of incident may be found here.
Kootenai County, Idaho – As previously reported, on April 17th at approximately 6:33 am, a Kootenai County Sheriff’s Deputy and his K9 partner were involved in a traffic collision at the intersection of Bodine Avenue and McGuire Road. The collision caused the Deputy’s vehicle to strike a power pole on the side of the road. The Deputy sustained minor injuries and his K9 partner was not injured. The other involved driver was not injured.
Update: The Idaho State Police investigated the collision and determined the other driver to be at fault. The Deputy was traveling northbound on McGuire Road and the other driver was stopped at a westbound stop sign on Bodine Avenue. As the Deputy approached the intersection, the other driver pulled in front of the Deputy’s patrol vehicle. The Deputy attempted to avoid the collision but could not. As a result of the impact, the Deputy’s patrol vehicle left the roadway and struck a power pole.
The other driver was cited by Idaho State Police for Failing to Yield at a Stop Sign and having Obstructed Windows, because the other driver’s windows were frosted over at the time of the crash. Thankfully there were no serious injuries as a result of this collision, but the Sheriff’s Office would like to remind drivers of the importance of taking a few minutes to defrost vehicle windows before driving.
Sheriff Robert B. Norris
By: Lt. Erik Hedlund
Kootenai County, Idaho – This morning at approximately 6:33 AM a Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) Deputy and his K9 partner were involved in a traffic collision. The collision occurred at the intersection of Bodine Avenue and McGuire Road and involved another passenger vehicle. As a result of the collision with the passenger vehicle, the deputy’s vehicle struck a power pole on the west side of McGuire. The deputy and the K9 were transported respectively to the hospital and a veterinarian for examination. The deputy sustained minor injuries as a result of this collision while the K9 was found to be uninjured.
The Idaho State Patrol (ISP) responded to the collision scene and is handling the investigation.
Sheriff Robert B. Norris
By: Lt. Zachary Sifford