
What Happened on this Day in History

What happened today in history?

February 1st:


1960- Greensboro sit-in begins

2002- Journalist Daniel Pearl is murdered

1913- Multi-sport star Jim Thorpe signs MLB contract with Giants

2013- “House of Cards,” Netflix’s first original series, starts streaming

1978- Harriet Tubman becomes the first African American woman to appear on a U.S. postage stamp

1968- Viet Cong officer is shot in the head; iconic photo taken

2004- “Nipplegate” controversy at the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show

1896- Puccini’s “La Boheme” premieres in Turin, Italy

1790- First Session of the U.S. Supreme Court

1979- Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran

1884- Oxford Dictionary debuts

1917- Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare

1968- Nixon announces his candidacy for president

1961-  “The Misfits” open in theaters

1887- Official registration of Hollywood

2003- Columbia Space Shuttle mission ends in disaster

1974- Serial killer Ted Bundy strikes again



For more information on any of these events visit https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history



Sandra Kinney September 5, 2024

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(Lewiston, ID) The 2024 Lewiston’s 90th annual Roundup Parade will be held tomorrow, Saturday September 7.  Line up begins at 7:59 am. The parade...

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