Idaho State News

Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest Plan Revision Process Clears Another Milestone

Sandra Kinney
May 10, 2024

Kamiah, ID, May 10, 2024—A proposed forest plan decision that provides the foundation for future land management activities on the four-million-acre Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests have moved through another phase of the forest plan revision process: the objections resolution meeting phase.

According to Forest Supervisor Cheryl Probert, decision makers and planning specialists from the Forests, Regional Office and Washington Office spent the last three days in virtual meetings with objectors and interested parties to review and clarify objections and discuss potential solutions. “This is a continuation of our robust public participation process,” Probert explained. “The goal is to try to resolve concerns collaboratively before a final decision is issued later this year. It’s also an opportunity for objectors with differing opinions to hear each other and potentially suggest compromises to address multiple concerns.”

The Forests received roughly 275 eligible objections in response to the contents of a land management plan, final environmental impact statement and draft record of decision released in late November 2023. Objectors, who were required to have submitted timely and specific comments during the process, expressed concerns from all sides of the issues around wildlife, species of conservation concern, recreation, wild and scenic rivers, designated and recommended wilderness, special land designations, old growth, timber management, climate change, fire and fuels, soils, monitoring and more.

The Reviewing Official, Regional Forester Leanne Marten, will now consider all the discussions that occurred during this week’s meetings along with recommendations of the independent objection review panel. She will write a response to address objections and provide instructions regarding any adjustments that need to be made before signing a final forest plan record of decision. The Regional Forester expects to issue her findings later this summer.

Probert said the Forests look forward to receiving the instruction package, making any needed adjustments, and issuing a final decision that honors treaty rights and the connections of the Nez Perce Tribe to these landscapes; is informed by the best available scientific information; and provides for current social and economic needs while sustaining the health, diversity, and productivity of the forests for future generations.


Idaho State News

October 11, 2024

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