(Lewiston, ID) The Lewiston City Library will host an author talk with Maurice Hornocker and David Johnson, Saturday, February 22 in the library event space at 1 PM. Maurice and David will be discussing Cougars on the Cliff: One Man’s Pioneering Quest to Understand the Mythical Mountain Lion.
Recently Maurice Hornocker accepted the Aldo Leopold Memorial Award, the highest award bestowed by the Wildlife Society, for his conservation work with cougars during a career spanning over 55 years. Maurice, along with back country houndsman, Wilber Wiles, conducted the first research of cougars in central Idaho. This research and changes in Idaho politics in the sixties and seventies led to perceptions of mountain lions as big game to be managed rather than pests to be eradicated.
David Johnson, co-author and retired Lewiston Tribune reporter and columnist, will be discussing Maurice’s memoir in a fire side chat style author talk. Books will also be available for purchase at the event.