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Radon poster contest now open for students in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington

Students across the Northwest are encouraged to get creative and help raise awareness about the dangers of radon gas by participating in the 2023 Northwest Radon Poster Contest this winter. The contest is open Jan. 10 to March 10.

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can build up in homes, both old and new. Testing is the only way to know if a home has radon because the gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Long-term radon exposure is the number one cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers, and the second-leading cause of lung cancer in smokers. 

Youth between the ages of 9 and 14 living in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington are eligible to participate in the poster contest, which kicks off during Radon Action Month this January.

Students must either be enrolled in a public, private, territorial, tribal, Department of Defense, or home school, or be a member of a sponsoring club, such as a scouting, art, computer, science, or 4-H club. Only one entry per student will be allowed. The contest deadline is midnight on March 10, and winners will be announced byApril 17. Find contest submission forms, lesson plans, and rules athttps://healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/northwest-radon-poster-contest

First, second, and third place winners will be selected from each state, and a regional grand prize will be selected from the winning submissions. Additionally, first-place posters from each state will be submitted to the 2024 National Radon Poster Contest. All participating students will learn about radon and how to reduce their risk of exposure.

The Northwest Radon Poster Contest is sponsored by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Nez Perce Tribe, Oregon Radon Awareness Program, Spokane Tribe of Indians, and Washington Department of Health – Radon Program in collaboration with the Northwest Radon Coalition and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10.


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