LEWISTON – U.S. Congressman Russ Fulcher spoke to around 50 Lewiston High School students on Tuesday, November 21 about an array of issues such as, our Southern border crisis, the implications of living in a state with as much federal land as Idaho, and current events such as the national debt.
“As a nation, we are 33 trillion dollars in debt,” Fulcher said. “Trillion with a T. This is a tremendously dangerous issue, and you all are the ones that will bear the brunt of that. It is you and your kids who will foot the bill.”
For the majority of his time, Congressman Fulcher answered questions from students to ensure any topic of interest was covered. Much like at a recent town hall Fulcher held in Kamiah on October 31, the majority of questions were centered around the border.
Similar to community members in Kamiah, the students wanted to know what Fulcher was doing to stop the immigration crisis. The Congressman explained to each group the United States has great laws on the books, but the Biden administration does not enforce them. Fulcher stated individuals who enter our country illegally are not always from countries to the South. They are coming from China, Iran, and more. Fulcher also explained issues with the cartels, including drug and human trafficking, are skyrocketing as the border remains open.
“When you open up a border, you don’t have any sense of order and it is a terrible thing,” Fulcher said. “By not having any enforcement, we have empowered the illegal cartel activity that is going on and they are monsters. They sell people. They sell drugs. They sell anything to make a quick buck, and they have got to be stopped.”
After answering questions, Fulcher stated he was honored to serve the State of Idaho. He explained how proud he was of each student in the room for taking the time to educate themselves, engage in world issues, and challenge those in control.
“The best definition I have ever heard of this thing called politics is that it’s a struggle for influence,” Fulcher said. “That is what I do every day, and you do too. Unlike a game of basketball or football, it is ongoing. It ebbs and flows based on who is a part of the debate. Who takes the time to get educated, stand up, and make their voice heard. Yes, I know that you struggle. However, the fact that you take the time to educate yourself and engage increases your influence.”
When scheduling permits the Congressman welcomes any opportunities to speak with students in this setting and is very appreciative of Ms. Kirk from Lewiston High School for the opportunity to meet with her class.