
What Happened Today in History?

Today in history….


1859- “Origin of Species” is published

1974- “Lucy” fossils discovered

2017- Terrorists attack mosque in Sinai, Egypt

1963- Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald

1971- Hijacker and criminal mastermind D.B. Cooper parachutes out of a plane

1849- John Froelich, inventor of the gas-powered tractor, is born

1960- Wilt Chamberlain sets NBA rebounds record

1999- Ferry sinks in Yellow Sea, killing hundreds

1932- The FBI Crime Lab opens its doors for business

1947- “Hollywood Ten” cited for contempt of Congress

1863- Battle of Lookout Mountain

1807- Mohawk Chief Thayendanegea dies


To find out more about these events visit https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history



Sandra Kinney September 5, 2024

Idaho State News

August, 31,2024

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