(Nez Perce County) The Idaho Animal Rescue Network has plans to close their pantry services next week out of respect for their volunteers and workers. If you need pet food assistance, you may complete your request no later than Friday, December 20. Pet food assistance is available in Nez Perce County, Asotin County, Clearwater County, Lewis County, Idaho County, and the Nez Perce Reservation.
You must complete the request for assistance at pantry.IdahoRescue.org. This service is available to low-income and houseless pet owners only.
Please remember that their pet pantry is intended to be supplemental. They cannot guarantee what the current supply may or may not be. Availability of pet food is dependent upon the generous donations made by members of the public to the pet pantries. Please do not rely on the pet pantries as your only source of food for your pets.