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Moody’s Rating Elevates Nez Perce County to Aa2

June 14, 2024

Nez Perce County Auditor Patty Weeks proudly announces a significant milestone in Nez Perce County’s financial journey with an upgrade in its Moody’s rating from Aa3 to Aa2. Moody’s is one of the world’s leading credit rating agencies. This remarkable achievement reflects the County’s steadfast commitment to fiscal responsibility and prudent financial management.

The elevation of Nez Perce County’s Moody’s rating to Aa2 underscores the County’s sound fiscal policies, proactive budgeting practices, and transparent financial reporting. This upgrade is a testament to the County’s ability to navigate economic challenges effectively while maintaining a strong financial footing.

By earning a higher Moody’s rating, Nez Perce County demonstrates its resilience and stability in the face of economic uncertainties. This improved rating not only enhances the County’s credibility in financial markets but also signifies its capacity to meet financial obligations and pursue strategic investments for the benefit of its residents.

Weeks acknowledges the collective efforts of its dedicated employees, elected officials, and community partners in achieving this significant milestone. The upgraded Moody’s rating reflects the County’s commitment to prudent fiscal management and positions it for continued success in fostering economic growth and enhancing the quality of life for all residents.
